6 Jan 2014 / Latest News

New Year’s Resolution: help preserve water around your home

Start the year off with the plan to be more water wise around your home. By doing this, you will help to preserve water and do your part in helping to sustain this valuable resource. With the rise in living costs, population growth and pollution, the need to conserve water now has never been more important. You can play an active role and make informed choices that will help to make a difference to our environment.


Here are some tips on how you can save water around your home and garden:

  • In your garden, water your plants early in the morning or evening. When washing your car, use a bucket of water and park it on your lawn. Adding compost to your garden beds will help increase the amount of water available to your plants.
  • In your home, install water efficient devices and regularly check for leaking taps and pipes. When washing fruit and vegetables, half fill a sink to wash it rather than under running water. Make sure you don’t leave the tap running when you brush your teeth.
  • Install a rainwater tank as an additional water source for your home and garden.


Being water wise is easy if you know how and what to do. The benefits of saving water include saving money and protecting our precious environment, so make water conservation your New Year’s Resolution!


What do you do around the house and garden to help save water? We’re always open to new ideas!
