25 Nov 2013 / Latest News

Eco ideas for lawns and landscaping


Spending time outdoors is an essential aspect of the Australian way of life. Homeowners are showing more interest in taking care of and utilising their backyard so they are getting the most use out of it. By following a few of these tips related to your lawn and landscaping, you can save energy, water and money all while enjoying a beautiful backyard.


Lawns and landscaping—water and energy smart design
Lawns are responsible for up to 90 per cent of the water used in the average garden. Designing your garden to withstand times of low rainfall, including reducing lawn areas, can bring a range of benefits. Minimising the need for maintenance, water and other resources with a water smart garden means you’ll have more time to sit back and enjoy your oasis. Things to consider include:

  • Replacing lawn areas with easy to maintain renewable woodchips. Identify lawn areas you currently don’t use and turn these into garden beds. Besides saving on water use, other benefits sure to please include easy maintenance, and no more noise and air pollution from all the equipment required for trimming, edging and cutting. Your family and neighbours wanting to have a weekend sleep-in will love you for it.
  • Planting native species. Fill your newly mulched and chipped area with water-efficient, low maintenance, local native species that will attract birds and wildlife. As you look out on your new habitat, think of all the time and resources saved on mowing, watering, weeding or fertilising.
  • Measuring up. If you do want a lawn area, plan for the size you need for household activities, and consider planting drought-tolerant and native varieties that will require less water.
  • Reducing the amount of water your lawn and garden needs. Setting your mower to cut at 4 centimetres or higher provides greater protection for soil so it doesn’t dry out as quickly. Water your lawn deeply and infrequently instead of lightly and often to encourage a deeper root system and better water retention.
  • Reducing the need for heating and cooling. Well selected trees and shrubs can help reduce your heating and cooling bills. Plant shade trees that will keep the summer sun out and let the winter sun in to your home.
  • Selecting the right pump. Reduce the environmental impact and running costs of decorative ponds and fountains by choosing a solar pump and keeping your water clean and healthy at the same time.
  • Choosing equipment wisely. Consider our tips on choosing and using a mower, leaf blower and other lawn equipment so you can reduce your lawn’s environmental impact and save time and money too.


When watering your garden, save money by installing a rainwater tank as the main source of water for your garden. A water tank from Sydney Water Tanks is installed underground so it won’t take up your valuable yard space. Water from a Sydney Water tank is also better for your lawn as it chemically untreated and completely natural. To find out more, call Sydney Water Tanks on 1800 041 111.


This article was first published on LivingGreener.gov.au and reposted on www.sydneywatertanks.com.au/archive and www.bioseptic.com.au
